Monday, August 5, 2013


     I have been contemplating starting a blog for quite some time.  After much encouragement from several friends, I have decided to dive in to the world of blogging.  I have learned so much from so many fabulous bloggers over the last few years.  I have enjoyed being on the outside looking in and am looking forward to joining the community.

    This year I am embarking on a new grade level.  I will be teaching 4th grade math, science, and social studies.  I am both excited and overwhelmed.  I have taught 3rd grade for the past six years so I feel like I know where the students are.  I can't wait to see all of the wonderful ways they grow as learners and people this year.

    I am also a recreational competitive figure skater - think if the YMCA had a figure skating league.  We are not Olympians or professionals.   I started on a whim in college with a friend.  10 years later I still love every minute.  The proof?  I get up at 3:30 (yes in the morning) so that I can skate before school.  Since the nearest rink is 45 minutes away, I am there very early.  My students do know that I skate, and a few of them have even come to see me over the years. 

     My other hobby is Disney World.  Seriously!  I visit for a week every other year.  It started with friends, and now my husband travels with me on these adventures.  I love the escape from reality that my happy place provides.  How can you not love fireworks over a beautiful castle?

    I will leave you with 2 rather frightening pictures.  I had to move my room in 1 day at the end of the year so everything was piled in and on the cabinets.  Then the cleaning crew came through and piled the furniture as they cleaned.  I am slowly working on the after pictures, but to build some suspense, here are my classroom "before" pictures:

Have a Happy Monday!